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Famous Cotswolds Residents

Now you won’t be surprised to hear that not only do visitors flock to the Cotswolds for the day, many people see this area as a fantastic place to live or have a ‘weekend home’.

HRH Prince Charles and HRH Princess Anne and many A list Celebs have homes throughout the Cotswolds region. David & Victoria Beckham have recently purchased a home in the Northern Cotswolds becoming part of the ‘Chipping Norton Set’ a collection of media, political & showbiz personalities including David Cameron, Elisabeth Murdoch, Alex James & Jeremey Clarkson to name a few

Other celebrities include Actors Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet & Elizabeth Hurley, Model Kate Moss, Artist Damien Hirst, Singer Lily Allen. With such a star studded cast, who knows who we might bump into during one of our tours! Easily accessible from London Paddington and Oxford why to visit us for the day and see who you can spot amongst this magical journey to amazing villages and through delicious countryside.

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